~Artistic Alternatives

Friday, December 30, 2016


When IMAGINATION, REALITY, and SPIRITUALITY are spliced  to become ONE, we are whole_ in tune with frequency of LOVE.
LOVE, in it's many forms, is who we are. WE ARE LOVE.
Recognition of [MIND] [BODY] [SOUL] allows us to get a perspective from three points of "view".
When we find our Self in spiritUAL form, we now are free from thoughts_ or imagination, and we're free from using our five senses with our bodies back in "reality".
🌊Imagine a ripple in water, only in it's "free form" flowing in the this space we call AIR- we can receive this wave in several ways, thanks to our intricate system of extrasensory interaction with time and space. We learn to surf these waves steadily as we condition our 'chakra' to work together as ONE combined sense to take on sound [intimately] and become the pulse that is; Become the water, become the UNIVERSE as you interact with physics and allow this beat to be the energy that carries you through your perspective/ IMAGINATION, in connection with the REALITY of the artist'S emotion. In this plane I call [HEAVEN], our free form can dance with relatives_ \relating to the expressions shared by our Family.
_The realization of this aware/conscious state opens us up to endless routes of communication that, to me is truly Magic...TRUE 'SIGHT' FOR THE ETERNAL HIGHWAY THAT IS: "HEAVEN".
The road begins within YOU, and what is projected from your EYE is created from what your 3 forms of Self "eat".
WE are what we eat.
>WE ARE HERE<  >>now... .. .
The potent stuff is LIFE is free...
¿ I thought that tree only bared for those who were saved after the "world ended"? I guess when you break down the parables, and 'SEE' the moral, it's something you can't put into words;
>This Family< is built on that common consciousness and provides a smooth trip i call "Church": fellowship with LOVED ones.
We are the CHOSEN ONES.
Who's coming with me?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Gift Rap for Nadiah:

Sometimes a gift comes from some time trapped when im cursed. Dug deep to scar the parts where im at home on my throne/ Star gazin', tryin' to make my hate widdle just a wittle hope in my statement. I'm free freignin' on in this shit hole~ little by little, i'm tickled by fiddle's and high on planes and trains when i'm Cope. I'm stained with glaze, then I'm gazin' panes when I'm broke. Grazin' plains and stick with Citizen's Cane, blazed when i smoke_savin' the coke. Then Why can she take her away when im dope?

Why cant we stay HERE when im stoked¿

I stare at her pictures, gaze at her face_ and IT hurts. 

Then i'm rain, and sky knows.. 

She knows when my change is painted, then she signs me by showing traces of my ghosts in the skie's roe. 

Daddy issues makin' strains in her home, shit in the sheets, leavin' stains to match the verse while she lays in her crib, pacin' her "eye dome". 

I'm sorry stinky poop, i can ease your pain now with my trust. Patience lil' lady, i'm makin' this my gut. I'm loyal to this game, and the game is whatever we're playin' this day, it's a free nation, skip the bus.. ..this day is yours_ call it a day's inn. I'm dazed, and Mom's dumb. Kick start.. Pfft, It's my part! Dumb luck got this fire to start. i was the kids martyr from the start! And Kid staRts 'US _ I'm stayin' in the mix. This IS HOME! 

Park bus. 

You think you know the struggle? I promise i lived harder from the start. [I WILL] work for my kins security, i won't chance a stand-in.. Step up, i taught her how to dance_and sleep and fart! I also taught her not to use her hands to pull her weight, but to crawl with her legs by stoppin' for a juice and letting her use grass to prove some physics=

and it proved fit then-

whilst smooth passin' through the park. 

I lose passion when I'm bein too passive with this spark! 

My two is seated, table's set, so get to and free-lance. I'm contracted, and dudes leavin'-even if i have to pay a dude with a gold tooth to treat him! Contact Syn..Gooddimmm! Lol, Cold truth. I'm internally bleedin'. It's nothing personal. Just Daddy's business and i'm done playin'. God Diem! All work these day, and my old ways can fade once we lay him, 6 feet grim, or accidentally leave dude splayed out on the tracks...weight in, played out like he drank too much_ smelln' like a bag of hot nickels, surrounded by bottles and cans from his week past.. waitin' for the next train to speed past, Jones, and piece him out like his trunk full of weed packs...

Thank you much, drones..

I'm no different save for my bank's too much. That just makes me richer, homie! That's why i call her when I'm makeshift. I make my shifts. In my free time, i write these lines, but you can never free time when you are now somehow stuck on rightright when your wrong, at least when viewed by new Light, but new Light isn't free_ it's a clue that hits dude like new bong. I'm makin' hits!

"Dude! We're ripped, is this in a new song?!" 

Chokin' up on the phone just at the thought of how much i need to soothe mom. Immature in the sense of truth, i say, but i get the "poõpon"..... my disease expensed her salary, and now I'm labeled high end_ 'grey shit', i raided purse, so irrated in my shame its why i rate this move werd by night_and fly by day, pace is bliss.

Mind my name. Mein namme ist crime and its why I hate that i misused kind and picked to play rather than prove worth to her.. I refused to find a common place to drain the grime, so i mind all the time i missed 'cus my crime was prick.

I feel like i primely skipped 1&2 _ yet 3 is saving 4 to find 5 in sense and please mind my 6's and 7's, my eye is 11. Infinity is late, but at 8 i still get gay and wait by the door for her get back to find us re-winding our tapes, or drivin' and clappin' patty cakes, fryin' some imaginary dinner to feed Daddy with dry plates. Playin' earthquake, earth divin' with her Dad~ we're heard ripe with laughs, til we crash in the pillows_ even for the thirtieth time in a row, we get so high and freakin' hide out like were implying that the ghost's can't just float through the hole in my bed_skiirt.. by 9.. ..i'm tryin' to bide my time 'till when i get to show off my pride_ when the tide sets and i can slide my princess to her crib without a stir, sharp breath, or heart skip, skip the beat thing, the hearts best.

My LOVE is steering this boat- It's soul strayed. I'm synced in with my seedling, telepathic with this D.-thing-{N.A.} strand, King, nicht . Please don't be salty that my banding is outstanding. My hand schemes stand out because i cant sing without this grand ring. And in every punn i intend to brow with these_ i'm a p.o.w. too, mia: most intellectual amoeba. Oh but I'm so slow, and i'm stoned and broke... Well screw you, WHY? 'Cus im homegrown. In the dark. When¿ right Where i flow- that's my zen. Underground. 'O.M.' is initially a mantra, but "Other Music" comes from T.A.P. as well..and floats~ HOW, then, can i prow with ease and allow my crown to know pen? Please, I'm a single celled organ with some singles, a cell, and a war tune to vent. I won't stand for more ignorance. Bitch, please¿ i got more amends to prove. More proof, i meant! My daughter wants me around. And i got more of these. ..

Im spent...

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Deep in this "ionosphere", or sleepin'__tryin' not to tweek, and missing the times__Wishin' my mom was here.. Dwellin' on abuse, BUT NOTHIN'! 'Cus Nothing gets too high and heddy- so that i feel my mind and muscles getting ready- to just let me~ drift off on another path, switch the beat; but still stuck in_ like when i was on the switchback__cryin', tryin' to split my wig.. all because i flipped my lid, and lied, see, to the one that left me rightly, and never wronged me_ and i'm writin these with the fire left within that is my light= and its a sight to see. Sight-seer's can see the fight in me, a long strange road with so many bumps, i leave the type to B. Horror. My story's frightening. If played vividly on the big screen in your living room, it'd make your kids scream.. Fuck B-ratings.. My ditch is up there with splintered dreams. Not Freddy, but Parental Guardian should be present while i present these, pullin up plies to find treasures in the sewer, not TMNTs, but t.m.i., yes please.. I reek pain. My parents never taught me to spew werds. I try not to blame my makers, or my Maker, but Maker's Mark helps me ease pain. Restrained choices. Refrained from toyin' with addiction and stickin' to why my censorship always dubs over with my coyness- i love to cry. I cry for love. My blood went dry. I died from drugs. I'm produced from alcoholism, gambling, domestic violence, and whatever the freak else they fed me without my Hancock.  Eye re-quest for reboot, i need to rest_ my eyelids...
Get this free food ¤ while its hot 'cus i could die tomorrow, and you'll be reading this after finding me bleeding _or stiffed up in my cot. Or maybe i don't do it... Everyday struggle, from me to you. .I need this shit in my life, so my steam can hush to fluid. Stream with bliss.. Too much to lose, kids...

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Flux Capacitor: STONE

Freebie Genies... I'm a genius. Pre-seed?

Depression is my down. My happy tends to see me, but only when it's easy..
I'll take "fuck the plan" for free please...
Spin 'em bitches...
Catch my breeze?
I CAN get up.
I don't WANT to anymore.
Free me. Feed me.
Not one of you could literally BE me,
Need me? Ha!
We'll see...
Paleeeeeease. How 'bout if I'm greedy¿

Friday, November 25, 2016

Jay Saint Goddi

It's been a long journey, a long road
Filled with potholes and obstacles
I've fallen so many times
It forged character though, and growth in my rhymes
Now when I fall, I'm older
Get up, smile, brush the dirt off of my shoulders
I used to do things the hard way
Today, I pray -And listen to what God say
The path for my life is laid out for me
You could rest in peace right, be carrying the torch homie
To all the people that got love for me:
I push on
And try to write our stories
These are the days for constant building
Construct futures for all of our children
Make cash, make it last
You know how fast them days will pass, in a flash
The sands in the hour glass slip through your fingers
Cause you never got a grasp
I built my foundation on a rock
So when the winds of change come I won't fall off
You see my outstretched hand
Success means nothing to me, unless I share with my fam
To my peeps abroad and state side: Let's make strides
Make paper and change lives
Create fly tracks that change the tide
So maybe some day true art will survive
I am here, to pioneer a brand new pathway
Introduce you to God, in these last days
Everybody's attitude is so cumbersome
Run their whole life never knowin' what they're running from
So stop for a second take a look
And listen to the words wisdom written in the book
Through a smoke screen of hopes for C.R.E.A.M
Have you floatin' down a stream full of broken dreams
They call it main but it's really just a scheme
To get you all locked where no one can hear you scream
Mos Def said it best: It's a better built cell block
Where they put you to death if you don't sell hot records
But see we changin' that too
Big business hip-hop we aimin' at you
If they puttin' out garbage - Don't buy it
Remember one stone took down the giant
Have faith like David and Goliath
Avoid the bias, and keep your mind pious
Get a grip
Get it straight
Or else you'll let it slip
And you'll never elevate
- Right now -
There's no time to waste
Put your best foot forward
And try to keep pace

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Lord knows i cant change!

But the more [i] change, i see the way reflections unfurl.
But if i may express myself_ i think i may be able to find some common ground to play.
And commonly i can say:
MY decisions create my stance~ MY way.
I am HIGH because i AM. A FINE DAY!
My climb is my time... Our paths are molded\ with time /in CLAY..

Friday, November 18, 2016

You owe yourself a debt.

NF - Motivated (Audio)

Christo's Blurb.

My name: Christopher= "the Christ Bearer"... {The Aquarian Prince}... I'm nice mannered> but Big Brother sifts the hairs that splice my part in this green sea and throw dirt; I'm-A water bearer in the stars_ no joe dìrté- so i-Water bare Earth. Scorched by here/say, my scars baptize {{in a sense}} those who wear the D.A.R.E. card like a perk. And my peers say: Take your chances with the Devil, and you can count on snares and sound bars. Try to find your sound drug_ that's my fate. Addicted to this fluid shit that's cruisin ships till they're blue in lips. Found wrong by so many, but overlooked by just one. Why must this beat be noise if the noodle's spittin' them sparks,hun? Atilla found this kindle-like bush matter, and it seems as if everyone that it hits, barks. It's kush, Hatter. Tree: A typical little subliminal, we spin and fall then _pause~ it for effects... and hey..~ i see= for the other two of me are gauzed, or stained with warp from war. Tainted and sprayed with splintered paints; ashes to ashes, pockets full of posey as we fashion these reactions to fit the actions that we blacked in [i mean out] and we back out_ We all fall down, but we bendin' straws.. Twist three of 'em~ GEe! Still mixin' words and splittin' hints with make-shift road curves_ "Don't give your dome 'bergs'"_ may be icey, so it'd be nice if <weed> fly home first. Before you sip the Rum in the mirror, don't forget that i like whiskey for my fears_ and when you whisper in my ear make sure i hear you ever clearly lest we see RED and end up in D'E.R. lookin back on "no werds for murder" and whatever the fuck "worst dinner" meant! My tour tees got more of these conformities, or, comforted with loyalties and virtue, to define trust. Family pact must have integrity to contact Eye_ to Lust to dance with stride or to Love to walk with pride? Fine tune is grounded, underground, with rusted sounds when your invested in repetition of reputation expecting different expectations. Let in other sounds. Open your grate. Walk with other guides, man, rope in your stake. Wake up. Find your filter and open your face_ Get up to find your ground being lifted, get HIGH, tap the oil and rig it to lift your spirits and be HERE for a little, now. Space-OP. Kill profanity. Sanity is in, so _wake up! Face-off!! Before your found inside of these different styles of stone bearings. Idol sins_ My all is "all-in" with this 'metaphysical-pistol-pull'~ Stick 'em up senorita! This a BUST! i'm-a breed a simple (pool). Make the glare hard then. NO scarce arms or fake spins in our den. Hugs and drugs and LOVE and care are__ bare necessities of the essentials with the rest of these vets; pets, these guests we sweat to set the bets at ease as we let the best rest and forget the pests then guess that whet kid's next to best chess move is just like his recipe to get wet with grease and try an' tie this mess up, relentlessly trying to jet_ winding up winded and crying, trying to fry his eye dumb with his priced up cut, we might slice up this kid and leave him stripped in the night, cut, with nothing but this, his nice dumb luck, and his priced right shoe*;[so he doesn't trip and fall with less than up__ wait! < i typed up: _less than up, when this lesson was a typo that my hedd spit from perifferals. The "P" is silent, man and it's a guess then, UP- "U" spun from different holes, when up gets a heads up, stuff gets lined up, then stuffed up in the trunk for the next bump. When up gets ahead, it's headway, but we stilled then till we fill zen with our hedd weight. Blessed perspective..Sung from different nests, but best when read thin. Right lines up, side down for bottom feed, err.. please "technically" slide over while i pan in on M Knight DeVil for a Noctem seed: and Mike knows it's but a slight roast. Not Planter's, but Peanut's to say the least. i prefer margerine on my wheat toast, while we toast to our FATHERS, FIRST AND FOUR_MOST. Give us this DIEM our daily bread crumb, and spread like butter.ALAS~ i can't believe it's not: I Can't Beleive It's Not Butter butter!! Mind numb..blown dumb with all these churned facts, "Got Silk?" At last! A stand in_ i get corrected>>>  CORRECTION:: **THESE Wrights' new shoes... He ain't writin' but if you ask him he'll tell ya: "These used to be Mike's new shoes!" He don't even like dudes Nikes\ but he just might be the type to hang them out on the power line in front of your Mom's crib at night and say that it's Mikey's, he likes it, and< it's a statement to say the least_ but i mustn't let the tracks of this rhyme scheme trail off. Slack net, while i set this hook right and refrain from framing any permanents whilst training by displaying proper permeates. If i'm gona spread this 'cooked rice' and turn this saturated sheep stew into something that is suffucable, then this has to be diffusable_so we have to really use 'em all: Our aura's make the ripple's in our wake's that act as like~perfume- or actually more like perfuse, or stored up words for seeped through,or charged, like deep fused, percolate, penetrate, or more-so impregnate, to leach through; to fill in each groove, filter, inform.. or screen through. Haven't you heard: "the bird is the 'werd'" and i'm all about the quality, so follow me to learn the verb imbue-to bathe, pervade, or drench_ and the "bird" is still ingrain, invest, instill, and it's still also inspire, then inject, and inculcate while these pulse rates reach meaner levels, breathe, and sit back and "imbuere" the satin with this late Middle English 'saturate' sense of such elaborate gab where we had cotton mouth so bad that we had to "imbutus" our lips when we do-do this in Latin. That's just a past participle of 'moisten' if you had listened to my voice pitch back when we stopped to take a breathe and decide to be coy with this sponge that steeps in choice.. FIN: & to say that in quotes would be improper 'cus if i'm implying that it's ended, it's prolly not even close to over, clocked in. Don't pop in and preach why you're pro-CERN again. Definately, literal means it's bolder... I'm concerned my stream is SlOW lEARNED. But my mind just needs this. Soul slurred, but i'm gold when i AM. Read this. Slapped dumb when i'm dredding the stage.   
     Well, hell, it's high time to out words and hit the back woods to sit back, relax, and crack buds.. Gotta re-lapse the times in my mind to track puns. Steel hand grants aide played with 20/20, plus ONE layed to Sheild my babey, and Hydra just can't steal me... Maybe rhyme a way back to my house and find a stage to ground first. Yet another turning point_ Ample opportunity to show the world what i found first... Just a sample from two of me that EYE mixes with sound Werds.

                                                ¤ T.A.P.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Music is the strongest form of MAGIC!

Get connected. The power is in and around us. Look within, UN-divide your attention and let your self be carried on the waves of sound to profound wonders. FREE FORM. Composition of LIFE; recycle universal energy for good, let it flow out of the tips of your pen or brush or pick or stick, and CREATE positive vibrations! Our family has to swim in the same "water" we tread ~ Let's all come together and BE ART. BE LOVE. EXPRESS.. SHINE... TUNE IN and BE YOUR[SELF]!!! No one else's opinion truly matters on this physical plane when it comes down to ORIGINALITY and UNCONDITIONED LOVE. To be 100% ORIGINAL and FREE is to be content and humble and comfortable in your skin_ then it's easier to {steal faces} and seefrom other points_ which teaches us how to 'feel for others' and grow as ONE.. You need to find TRUE LOVEfirstly;   Keep digging till you feel your roots breath, breathe in cadence with nature, then settle in to wherever our Mother draws you ~ Everywhere you visit along your journey is experience gained. Don't sell yourself short: GO WITH YOUR GUT AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!

                     you'll KNOW when                                  you find yourself...

              ~LIFE'S MATTERS~ 


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

** ~ "ARTISTIC ALTERNATIVE'S" ~ ** (a fellowship stemming from, and spreading, LOVE in our search for spiritual discernment using ART {in it's infinite forms} to re-route our negative energies in LIFE into more creative projects/hobbies/works rather than store them up, or numb them for inevitable harm to self or others...) OUT WITH THE BAD, DON'T WASTE YOUR ENERGY ON CARRYING IT, MAKE IT MATTER... ~ ~ ~ LITERALLY ~ ~ ~

TIE-DYE TEAR DROPS: 08/31/2014

Why do the skies always look so sad? You'll see, as time drifts by, things aren't so bad. Wasting away your life- up in the clouds, you know what's right- but REALITY'S sooo loud. All that you long seems so far away... but it's right there all along, if you can just feat the maze; got to fight the craze, and beat the 40 hour days. Life isn't just a game, but you still have to play. And by whos rules? These fools? Not TODAY yo, no way bro! Well that's the wrong thing to say though. 'Cus who's in control anyway? Your prophecy is YOURS, to write any way, mold it out of any colored clay.
Only YOU know where that switch is- so are you gonna flip it? Or you gonna drown in your own cocktail, 'cus you forgot to sip it?! Don't get livid, don't try to lip it- SAY IT OUT LOUD_ Paint yourself a picture, and LIVE in it!
LIVE, BREATHE, LOVE, BREED... Open up that window, and tear out the fuckin' screen! Pick up any old tool, and make good use of that scream... There's a reason for this storm, so buckle up and believe; toss out the sour, and enjoy the cream. This is your DREAM, so YOU choose: WAKE UP, or sleep? How many times can you hit the snooze once you've lost all your sheep? FUCK, SHIT, BITCH, BLEEP, BLEEP! Join me or get the FUCK out my way, so I can take that leap! Either air out your dirty laundry_ or leave it behind you on a heap- It's about time to freshen up the sheets. Don't trickle your tie-dyed tear drops down those empty streets, rather flow 'em onto paper, and create some new beats... FIX THE ROOF IF YOUR TIRED THAT IT LEAKS!
So turn the page. Grab your calendar, and flip on through the days. And NEVER, ever look back- that's how you derail your train..  You were somewhere in the past, and you didn't see the tracks through the rain!
                                                                            -The.Aquarian.Prince [T.A.P.]